Lost Sallow
Eupsilia devia (as in "deviated from course")
November 17, 2005

This sallow is lost all right. 

I was walking through my meadow and found it perched atop this dead goldenrod head.  I took a few photos and then put my finger beneath its legs to see if I could coax it aboard.  It fell to the ground - dead.  

So, you are looking at a dead moth on the left - in situ - the very position it was in when it drifted away.  Cause of death?  Unknown.  
Looking at it, though, one may be tempted to say it died of natural causes - in its sleep - surrounded by loved ones.  But that's not the case.  This is a winter moth in it's prime.  Look at how fresh the wings are.  Lost Sallows are  just getting going in the fall and were one to die of old age, that's more likely to occur in spring.

So, I'm suspecting foul play.  That's right, we're talking eupsiliacide.  Weapon?  Perhaps the the deadly cordyceps fungus.  Or the larva of a parasitic wasp.  Whoever did it has little to worry about, though.  This moth ain't talkin'.  Damned shame, too.  Pretty little thing like that should be out breakin' hearts and sipping sap from sugar maples.

God, sometimes this work just sickens me...  (sorry, was watching "Homicide" last night)